Lords of Light - Series I

Added by: Shuptrine
Added on: 07-01-2013
Updated: 07-04-2013
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The “Evilites” which were produced and consist of 4 figures.  These four figures are all modified Mego’s Micronauts figures.  What made these figures so cool is that you could remove the heads of the figures and then insert a mini glow stick into the chest.  Figures came packed with 3 Emralyete Power Rods (glow sticks),  order form to purchase more glow sticks, 6 for $3.95, and a mini comic which gave somewhat of a back story.

  1. Emperor Dementia – Ruthless Leader of Evilites sworn to kill all Izzurians No.82311
  2. Topen – Evilite Reptilian Killer No. 82304; Lobros figure from the Micronauts line.
  3. Nepos – Swift Insect-like Evilite Annhihilator No.82305; Kronos figure from the Micronauts line.
  4. Toriac – Dreaded Bat-like Evilite creature No. 82302; Antron figure from the Micronauts line.
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